Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

The day is almost upon us!

On Thursday 18th March the entire world will be able to watch the film that Zack Snyder intended us to watch.

Due to the death of his daughter Autumn Zack exited the film before it's completion.

WB then decided to bring in Joss Whedon and reshoot most of the film at a massive extra cost.

The film did terribly and pretty much ended the DCEU.

We were lucky enough to get an Aquaman film and a Wonder Woman sequel but everything else was basically off the table.

Thankfully the fan base never gave up on Zack or the film.

Thanks to a massive movement by the fans and the hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut Zack eventually came back to finish the project and thanks to a deal with HBO we now all have the chance to see Zacks original vision.

Enjoy the trailers below and we hope you enjoy the film on release.


Clan Leader & Co-Founder


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