It was another awesome day at the FOB yesterday!
We haven't been to the site since last year and had already seen that some site modifications had happened while we had been absent.
They were noticeable immediately after starting the first game.
It was an all morning game of capture the objectives, and as soon as we headed out towards our starting point we saw the new barricades scattered all up the dirt road that runs through the site.
These made moving up and down the road way more tactical and easy.
We lost this all morning game, only finding and retrieving 3 objectives compared to the other teams large stockpile of 9 objectives.
After lunch was completely different though as we won the entire afternoons playlist of games.
The first being 'Domination' which consisted of a constant battle to raise or flatten 10 flags.
-We actually won this one very easily with a solid tactical plan to hold main points of the map whilst also helping groups of our fellow banded team search for and raise the flags then defend them.
The second was a classic game of 'Attack and Defend' which is always fun.
-We attacked first and won within the allocated time of 15 minutes.
We've always been very good at defending and luckily so was the group of players that made up the rest of the banded team.
We managed to last the entire time but they did come very close in the last few seconds when it seemed the entire non banded team rushed the helicopter in one last attempt to complete the mission.
If youve never been to the FOB then go check it out as soon as you can because you will love it.
As always it was run flawlessly by Paul and his team of marshalls and player marshalls.
The on site facilities are great and well looked after.
Thank you to everyone involved in making it another awesome day of plastic flinging.